EI Associates was retained by the Ridgewood School District to execute a district wide facility assessment of all of their school and administrative facilities. The assessment serves as part of an update to the Long Range Facility Plan (LRFP) and will assist the District in identifying, prioritizing, planning, budgeting, and executing future capital improvement projects. This assessment addresses the seven elementary schools, two middle schools, the Ridgewood High School, and the Education Center.
Each of the school assessments addresses the physical condition and age of the building and or building systems, code compliance issues, handicapped accessibility, and life safety concerns. Deficiencies have been identified for each area as applicable. Recommendations for action have been outlined and where the scope is clearly defined, cost estimates addressing the identified need have been provided.
The findings and recommendations are prioritized and summarized in a deficiency matrix for execution over a multi-year period, coinciding with the District’s capital expenditure plan.